Informed Consent Guidelines

提交给IRB的所有协议必须使用适当的(和批准的)招聘 and consent process(es) consonant with the risks involved. It is the responsibility ,以确保获得适当的知情同意 from all research participants. Assent must be obtained from minors. Assent forms 通常比同意书要简短得多,而且语言必须合适 for the age of the participant.

Consent Guidelines:

除非要求放弃知情同意文件(见下文),否则所有 涉及人类受试者的研究项目需要双方签署的同意书 researcher and the subject.

在你的项目中的人类受试者必须自愿参与,已经充分 informed about the research. If the human subjects in your project are part of a vulnerable population (i.e. 囚犯、认知障碍者或未成年人),特殊的 protections are required. Contact the IRB Office for more information.

除特别注明外,书面知情同意书必须包含 the templates.

同意书应易于阅读(5至8年级水平),并应 格式化,以分离知情同意过程的必要要素(如.e. Risks & Benefits, Explanation of the Research Study, etc). For example, create section headings 引导读者或使用主题句来突出每篇文章中的相关信息 new section. 请不要在您的文件中附上此同意书模板的副本 application; only include the consent form you plan to use.

This website 是否有助于衡量文件的大致阅读水平. 

每个部分包括准备说明,并提供建议的文本 the information to be included. Please customize the suggested text to adequately describe the research project.

如果将以英语以外的语言获得知情同意书,请包括 一份该语文的同意书副本,以及一份英文同意书副本 version.

我们已经提供了一些适合各种类型的知情同意模板 research studies. The links to these forms are at the bottom of this page.

Waiver of Documentation of Consent

在某些情况下,本局可豁免申请人签署同意书 research participant. This waiver of documentation of consent may be requested in the following circumstances:

  1. 当研究显示的风险很小并且涉及到的程序 在非研究环境下执行是否不需要书面同意.
  2. 同意书是将受试者与研究联系起来的唯一记录.
  3. 该项研究未经委托人同意,不得进行 研究风险是指与违反保密有关的风险.

PLEASE NOTE:没有签署的同意文件并不意味着研究者可以获得 research subjects’ consent to participate in the study. Participants should be aware 他们正在进行一项研究,谁在进行这项研究,出于什么原因, and that their participation is voluntary. One approach is to attach a consent -type 提供相关信息的文件(“同意要素”),并注明 completing the survey indicates consent to participate. Individuals may also be given information on the study to take with them. In circumstances when informed consent 必须获得口头、口头指示和脚本的具体细节是什么 will be said to the participant are very important.

可通过检查相应的同意文件要求放弃 ,并解释提出申请的原因; i.e. 上述哪一项标准适用?如何向科目提供这些要素 of consent.

Information Sheet:

授予放弃知情同意文件的协议必须采用一种信息 sheet when enrolling subjects. All information sheets should include the following:

  1. Name of the investigator, and organizational affiliation.
  2. 一份关于研究涉及研究的声明,一份对研究目的的解释 研究和受试者参与的预期持续时间,进行描述 应遵循的程序,并确定任何实验性程序.
  3. 清除受试者可能出现的任何合理可见的不适或风险 encounter during participation in the project.
  4. 对受试者的任何利益或合理预期的任何利益的清晰描述 from the research.
  5. 一份声明,说明机密性或记录识别主题将如何 be maintained.
  6. 声明参与是自愿的,拒绝参与涉及 不受处罚或丧失当事人本应享有的利益,以及 受试者可在任何时候退出或终止参与而不受处罚 or loss of benefits to which the subject is entitled. This should include informing 参与者将如何处理已经收集到的数据 after discontinuing participation.
  7. 说明与谁联系以获得有关研究的相关问题的答案 以及研究对象的权利,以及在研究相关的事件中与谁联系 injury to the subject. The investigator must provide their name, phone number, and 电子邮件地址,可以联系他们了解有关研究的信息. Dr. Melany Puglisi, Chair of the IRB,, must be listed as the person to contact if the participant 对他们作为研究对象的权利或待遇有疑问或担忧.
  8. 信息表不包括供研究对象签名的空间. Rather, a statement should be included that states (or along the lines of) "By completing 并将您自愿同意参与的调查问卷寄回 in research.“所有报名资料表必须为影印本 在研究开始时由审查委员会签发的盖章和注明日期的信息表 approval.

Use of Protected Health Information and HIPAA Privacy Rule

某些医疗保健数据(受保护的健康信息或PHI)受HIPAA保护 Privacy Rule.

For more information, please see

任何使用受保护健康信息的调查人员都必须填写责任表 研究行为(RCR)模块的信息隐私和安全-健康隐私 Modules.

Sample Informed Consent Templates

请注意,这些模板都符合新通用规则的指导方针 place January 21, 2019.

  1. 参与实验研究或调查的成人同意书样本(.doc)
  2. Sample Child Assent Form, Ages 14-17 (.doc)
  3. Sample Child Assent Form, Ages 7-13 (.doc)
  4. Sample Parent Permission Letter (.doc)
  5. Sample Consent for an Online Survey (.doc)
  6. Sample Consent for a Focus Group (.doc)
  7. Sample Consent for an Interview (.doc)
  8. Sample Consent for an Exempt Study (.doc)