
学生小组The School of 研究生 及专业研究 provides centralized administrative oversight and support to the colleges and departments administering 项目 and services 面向研究生和专业学生. 我们支持大学在这方面的使命 to the provision of a high-quality teaching, learning, and research environment 为 研究生和专业学生以及研究生教师.


  • 促进研究生和专业研究学院的发展 考虑到学生的兴趣和需要的经验. 
  • Serving as a focal point 为 the development of new initiatives that benefit the University's short- and long-term goals 为 graduate and professional level 项目 and services.
  • Providing the administrative process 为 maintaining appropriate standards and compliance 用于研究生和专业课程.
  • Promoting a research-based learning environment that provides experiences and knowledge 为
  • 培养研究生和专业学生所需的批判性分析技能.



拥有23个硕士项目,Ed. D.,制药.D.和10个证书课程,研究生 及专业研究 meets the needs of graduate and professional education at CSU by building upon the strengths, experiences, and successes of the academic departments and their operations, functions and services with a full continuum of support services 面向未来和继续深造的研究生. 

We offer small size classes, individualized attention from  professors rather than 研究生助理或助教. 我们提供实习机会 帮助我们的学生在学习中获得非凡的经验. 我们所有的项目 are accredited and meets the highest academic standards at National and International 水平.  按项目查看CSU的认证列表,请单击在这里.





Although the 研究生院 continuously accepts applications year-round, we strongly 建议你在公布的录取截止日期前完成申请. 逾期申请将自动 转学到下一学期,不通知学生. 不完整的188bet金宝搏官网登录网址程序 将留在研究生院,直到收到所有证书/文件. 申请人 to MAT 项目 apply directly to the department administering the graduate 程序. The Office of Teacher Certification is located in the 教育 Building, room 203.

欲了解更多信息,请链接到他们的网站 点击这里  在离开本网站之前,请务必查看 材料目录  在招生.


申请人 meeting all graduate school 入学 requirements, and requirements set by the department administering the 程序, may be granted full 入学 to master’s 项目. 国际申请者和博士课程申请者只有 一个类别的入场:“全额入场”.

After reviewing the applications, some 项目 may recommend 入学 with conditions. All students admitted with any conditions must fulfill the requirements within the 程序规定的时间限制. 国际申请人和申请 博士课程不符合条件录取条件. 有条件录取的学生没有资格获得经济援助或贷款. 详情请联系财政援助办公室. 

Note: International applicants and Doctoral applicants are not eligible 为 conditional 入学.

Select academic departments have prescriptions 为 evaluating a student’s eligibility 申请候选人资格. 被正式批准为候选人 pursuit of a graduate degree after it is determined that all specified preliminary 已满足要求. 这些处方不包括学术缺陷 of a remedial nature but are designed as a proving ground 为 indication of future 项目的成功. 在被研究生录取后带着目标学习 of earning an advanced degree, the graduate student must apply 为 and be admitted 获得所寻求学位的候选人资格. 关于程序的具体信息 achieving candidacy is available in the academic department administering a graduate 程序.

Graduating seniors who are in their final semester and expecting to earn the bachelor’s 学位可以申请研究生院,并考虑提前录取. 如果承认 早期,课程注册将暂停,直到最终成绩单 提交学士学位授予证明. 那些不这样做的人随后 获得学士学位者,其入学资格将被撤销. 此政策适用 对州外学生和国际学生也一样. 国际学生必须提交 经批准的国外资质评估人员的评估.

Non-degree 入学 to the 研究生院 is granted to those who wish to enroll 学习课程,但不打算获得学位. 持有至少a 地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位 to enroll in graduate courses 为 their own personal enrichment or professional advancement 可以通过填写网上申请来申请吗. 申请费30美元,不予退还 是必需的. 申请普通研究生身份的申请人必须出示学位证明 在申请时. 普通研究生最多修12个学时 status at 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 prior to 为mal 入学 may be applied to a master’s 经课程管理部门批准的学位课程. (一些 节目只允许6小时.). 非学位录取并不意味着有资格 用于任何学位课程的入学或录取. 希望被录取的学生 into a specific 程序 must submit a new and complete application 为 that 程序.

注:非学位录取并不意味着入学资格 或者任何学位课程的录取.


学生 not enrolled 为 two academic/calendar years or more and did not obtain any leave of absence and wish to come back, may be considered 为 re-入学, if they 是否有合理的机会在原定时间内完成课程 [从原入学时间起].  他们应该提交一份请愿书 得到项目顾问和系主任的支持. 最后的决定 申请重新录取,将由研究生院院长作出决定.  学生将会 在首次注册时受条例约束. 撤军可能 影响学生的经济资助状况. 向财务援助办公室查询.


学生 not enrolled 为 two academic years or more and have no realistic possibility to complete the degree 程序 within the original time frame [ 6 years 为 master’s Ed被判了7年. D,必须以新生身份重新申请.  五月前修过的课程 如果未过期,则考虑完成要求. 学生将 在新入学时受本规定约束.

研究生 students who have been admitted with conditions to a degree 程序 at Chicago 并已达到州立大学规定的要求(条件)以内 the approved timeline, must file a Change of Status request with the 研究生院 after obtaining an approval signature from the graduate advisor and the Chair of the 该学生被录取的课程. 学生负责提交 如果他们满足条件,该计划批准改变身份形式. 学生 谁不符合规定的要求将失去其入学资格和 不能继续攻读学位课程. 未能提交状态变更表格 in a timely fashion may result in registration hold 为 future terms and/or loss of 这个项目的全部录取.

已经被正式录取的研究生可以选择 为进入另一个研究生课程而改变课程. 学生必须重新申请 为 the new 程序 with complete documentation as per the new 程序 requirements. 学生 must also submit a change of 程序 为m available on the 研究生院 网站. 

学生应该在他们被录取的学期入学. At the discretion of the Dean of the 研究生 及专业研究 and the academic department supervising the degree 程序, students may defer their initial term of enrollment 为 no more than one year by applying 为 deferral to the Office of 研究生 及专业研究. 如果延期被批准,学生将被追究责任 under the policies and procedures in effect at the time of their enrollment including the time to complete the degree, not the policies and procedures at the time of initial 入学. 


为了初步审查研究生课程的申请,学生可以上传一份 非正式成绩单副本[s]供考虑. 然而,官方成绩单 是必须的,我们鼓励学生安排提交原件 尽快拿到成绩单. 如果被录取,学生将需要提交 the original official transcripts within 45 days of the start of the regular semester in Fall and Spring and within two weeks from the start of the first session of classes 在夏天.  正式成绩单只能以电子形式或密封形式收到 学生可向原就读院校索取已加盖公章的信封 envelope from their institution and mail it or drop it off in the 研究生院’s 办公室). 科罗拉多州立大学学生不需要提交成绩单原件. 如果学生不提交 the original transcripts in the prescribed time, a registration and transcript hold 会记在学生的账户上吗.


国际申请者不能上传非官方成绩单. 他们必须提交A course-by-course evaluation of all 为eign educational credentials from one of the 所列评估机构.  

Transcripts previously submitted to the undergraduate or graduate school at CSU, or 教师执照办公室不能在新的申请流程中重复使用. Additionally, applicants to the following 项目 must submit two official copies of all transcripts: School Counseling, Principal Preparation, Special 教育, and 信息研究. 





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